Geoff Kanofski



“Through his long-suffering, Geoff has gained empowering knowledge into his disorders.
Lifelong experience and his dedication has equipped him with practical tools to maintain mental stability, enjoy wellbeing,
and happiness. Geoff never gives up the fight to rise above adversary. This book was inspirational and great read”.

– Chris Clayton


“A truly compelling and insightful read.  There are instances of extreme sadness. However, this is balanced at times with some light hearted humour. The author is brutally honest about his lifelong journey with OCD, ADHD & Tourette Syndrome – the highs, the lows, and everything in between.. the constant need for both activity and intensity.  Interestingly it appears that these afflictions may have been what drove the author to some remarkable pinnacles of athletic achievement.  The latter part of the book reveals what the author believes is his solution for balance in his life”.

– David Toyer


“Here’s my review ‘this was an insightful view of how the challenges of these disorders impact on one man’s life. It was eye opening to realise that these are the struggles that so many are faced with. I was both humbled and in awe of the honest writings of this man who clearly just felt that his struggles could provide a path to understanding for others. Perhaps knowledge does bring power and if this is true, then knowing these difficulties has surely got to impact on the way we accommodate for differences”.

– Tracy Bennett


“What a great idea to write about physical/mental conditions from the point of view of the sufferer. We all have medical text books about diagnosis, symptoms, prognosis from the science’s perspective but what about what we feel and think about our sickness and ailments while experimenting and dealing with with them? We are all unique and we all feel (love and suffer ) differently. The research within our body and soul, should be heard and noticed as much as the research from external sources.
I enjoyed this book, I appreciate and admire the effort made by the author, clean, honest, raw and funny too. I think it would be a great exercise for all of us, to think and to look for those signs within ourselves to help to understand what so many others most of the time cannot”.

– Miriam Hernandez


“This book offers a fascinating look into one mans life-long journey through, and experience of, neuro-diversity. The stories that the author shares are very personal and unflinchingly honest, and make for a compelling read. Though the author is not a qualified professional there is much useful information contained within the book, and I hope that it finds the audience it deserves, as I’m sure many people would find relatable, the struggles this author has faced, and overcome”.

– Stuey Wilson